Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Blunders Again and Again

Most (if not all) of these happened on the trip to Kuantan. There must be something wrong with my Wernicke's area, as I've been making really stupid mistakes while talking.

"Wey, mana boleh lintas, jalan tu kan double lane*!" * = line

"Orang yang kahwin* bulan 12 memang selalu nampak muda..." * = lahir

To a girl, I said, "So, what are you going to wear? Baju Melayu*?" * = kurung


...Hm, I can't remember, there should be at least 2-3 more...When I remember I'll put them up. I'm really frustrated at the moment, as I seem to have become ever more clumsy, lazy, and unknowledgeable (aka stupid). Gotta buck up.

1 comment:

adil zainal said...

another one ...remember? while we in kuala tganu mess up btw citroen and caltex weird was that ?? mayb when u r far away from your 2nd brain (internet) u got disorientation of hearing, language and speaking (insted of time, place and person)...hahaha