Sunday, April 13, 2008

Crappy TMNet

Turns out that there was a reason why I (and my father among others) could not send out email via our desktop email clients using non-TMNet email providers (including Yahoo!, gmail, etc.). Turns out that  TMNet specifically blocked the SMTP traffic and port 25 for clients using such non-Streamyx email providers (as a spam-blocking measure as they claim).

Really stupid and annoying, as I never knew that it was the problem until I googled it.

Fortunately, there's a way to solve this provided by adding to your list of SMTP servers. This is how you do it in Mail 3.0 (Mac OS X):

Step 1: Go to accounts and edit your outgoing server information

Step 2: Add the additional server and related information.

Step 3: All should be okay from there

Everything else should be similar with other desktop email clients.

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