Monday, July 13, 2009

Training Log - July 13 2009

Short workout, but a long stay in the gym, as Nu'aim and I worked as spotters for each other. This ate up our time for filler exercises, but they could be done in the room anyways for today (scapular activation, chinups, pushups). I'm typing this as I rest after dinner, after which I'll finish them off. We couldn't spend much time anyways, due to some unforeseen circumstances which ate up into our gym time before Maghrib.

For me anyways:
30-something kg (Abe's 70% 1RM) - 3 reps. Warm-up set and to demonstrate the lift, and the technique to set up properly. Abe picked up very quickly.
60 kg - 3 reps (warm-up)
65 kg - 3 reps (warm-up)
84 kg (70% 1RM) - 3 reps
96 kg (80% 1RM) - 3 reps
108 kg (90% 1RM) - As many as possible, in this case 6 reps. As usual, it was the left hand grip strength that failed me.

Teached Nu'aim the scapular activation exercises, and dumbbell based cardio (clean and jerk, dumbbell swing, and snatch). Also demo'ed the barbell clean & jerk, Olympic-lifting style. It's definitely a good exercise, but even I'm not brave enough to try it with weights; just demo'ed to show the various components of the lift.

1) Hm, when I reviewed while typing, I got my weight scheme wrong. 100% was supposed to be based on my 90% true 1RM max (Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 system), in this case, 108 kg. In this case, the correct weight scheme was supposed to be:
70% 1RM - 76 kg
80% 1RM - 86 kg
90% 1RM - 97 kg.

I completely screwed up my routine today. This was supposed to be a "heavy" week, not "max effort". No wonder I'm feeling sleepy like a max deadlift session. Another accident.

2) My grip sucks, even after switching to a hook grip. I'd accidentally turn it into a false grip when it tired out. And my posterior chain still feels good, i.e. I can definitely do more reps if I used straps. But that's cheating when strength is the goal, not bodybuilding. I'm going to practice doing all my lifts if possible using hook grips, even driving.

3) One of the guys came up to me and offered me a belt to use "to take care of my back". I'm sorry, but if you need a belt to pull just your own bodyweight, your abs/technique must suck. Belts are for maximum competition-like deadlifts. Fixing your lower back posture/breathing/abs bracing technique, followed by core stabilizing exercises, and you won't need a belt unless you're pushing more than what you trained for. And an aspect of using belts really worry me for non-maximal lifts: they work only when you "cause" lumbar flexion. You need to screw your back (a bit) for them to work. A better idea is to get the technique first before lifting that heavy. Abe said that my back was ok throughout even the max lifts, so I'm ok without needing a belt.

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