Thursday, July 5, 2007

Previously on Friendster..."It's Been a While...Now for Something Serious"

Heh, didn't write much for a long time. Very long time. Busy reading other people's blogs (specifically techblogs), and sleeping & gaining weight...oh, not forgetting studying. Been having a lot of thoughts. Most interesting one is about marriage. Friends are starting to get married, specifically in IIUM. Good for them, good for me (free food).

Some friends did discuss with me about their thoughts on love, saying that they aren't sure whether to accept people they're seeing now, rather than those they'll see later. Their rationale is that if they fall in love now, they might find somebody better in the future, and thus they're afraid to commit until at least working. It gets even more worrisome if they fall in love during studies, only to get married many years later. They say the more people they start seeing, the more people that they can choose from.

Here's my simple take; in life you will never be satisfied. Even worse is that you will never stop seeing new people in life, so when do you say that enough's enough? In any given future, you will always find someone interesting who would have been better than your current partner (if you have one). This applies to all stages of eligible-to-get-married-life; after schooling years, college years, working years, heck, even when-you're-married years. Why else would you have "spare parts" or mistresses or Monica Lewinsky's; okay maybe that's extreme, but do you get the point? The real difference between relationships that go steady and those that go rocky and sink in this regard is simply the ability of the partners to resist urges to replace what they have with someone else, a.k.a. committment. If you're forced to marry later in life, no problem; the same principes applies here as well.

My advice? Just like when buying a new gadget; buy now, unless you're absolutely sure without a doubt that a better product will come out in a few days, has no bugs and glitches, and you can live without that product while waiting, and will not be bettered for months. Or else, you'll never buy; a better product is otherwise always just around the corner. Or you'll never fall in love.

Feel free to discuss.

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