Since it requires knowing my rep max, I decided to have myself well rested and test at home, using the outdoor "gym" we have at the house in Bangi. So all I did were singles with holds at the top on Sunday, and no more pulling during Monday and Wednesday. So here's the test (just so you'd know, it ain't abuse if nobody's using it).
Got the reply quickly as usual. He told me to do pullups, so let's see if I can do them for training instead of on a "just seeing if I can do them" basis. 5 sets of 3. With almost double of my usual horizontal pulling as he told me to do 2 exercises on bench day. I guess it's logical to cut out my monday chins+holds, and keep the face pulls. As for the exercises, I'm thinking of keeping my inverted rows (supinated grip) and adding DB rows (neutral grip). As he said, 3 sets of 8-10. I'll do sets of 8 and get a feel first.
But with doing pullups comes the inevitable: how about my biceps? I want/need big guns (aka biceps)! It's what girls dig!
I'm joking. Hence keeping the supinated/neutral grip on horizontal pulls, for a healthy dose of biceps, as such compound moves are my only exercises to target the biceps (everything was with supinated grip). No curls.
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