1) I still don't get the "self-liking" phenomenon on Facebook, the new symbol of histrionicism. When you post an update or a photo etc, is there another you don't particularly like, or at least think it's significant to yourself? By default, if you post something, we know you like it; there's no need for further promotion, as you make yourself look like a big fanatic of yourself. It's not a big deal if you do it occasionally, but it gets pretty funny when it's done all the time, without exception. And people accuse me of being an attention-seeker. And I don't self-like anything I post, unless if it's not so subtle sarcasm.
2) Exams are around the corner. Next week will be panic mode, a quick transition from "I'm too relaxed it's unbelievable" mode. Having seminars still to present doesn't help.
3) I didn't go to the "caning issue" forum the other day, but I feel lucky I didn't considering that the SIS rep didn't come, and listening to news of everybody "takbir"-ing throughout the forum. As Prof Fauzi said best, the forum was certainly a case of preaching to the choir. Personally, I feel that the audience are a bitimmature to act the way I heard they did, though admittedly I wasn't there. I understand that it's a divisive, emotional issue, but there's no need to act like unintellectual commoners. Discuss, listen, form a final opinion, act, and maintain the mental peace. It was akin to the "teach in English" issue in UiTM a few years back.
4) The "no more squats" issue by Boyle is spreading throughout the Internet, and people are starting torespond. As long as you can justify it, you can certainly perform an exercise if it fulfills your objective. In my case, I only do front squats. I feel that I can get enough back, glute, hamstring recruitment by doing deadlifts, and front squats allow me to recruit my quads much more. But with these the issue is the opposite: the limiting factor is my core/shoulder strength, which determines if I can maintain the rack position to perform enough reps in a set.
5) Most people do know what they need to do in life. The issue is whether they 1) want to act, or 2) have trouble acting. In most cases you can help with the latter, but not the former. So give your advice and move on.
6) I can train more intensely in the gym in a rest week than some I dub the "group takde hala tuju". You don't need friends to help you to perform sets with the friggin' machines. I tend to only offer advice with potentially injurious form issues, not with "just going to the gym to chat and fool around with shit in the gym while chugging down some sport drinks because you felt like you deserve it" issues.
7) Abe's training is progressing well, especially for his shoulder. We're going to try transitioning from light dumbbell shoulder presses to push presses with the barbell (empty as a start). He did complain of some deep soreness after some test reps, which I think is due to unaccustomed rotator cuff work to stabilize a ballistic exercise and hopefully not impingement symptoms. If it becomes bothersome/changes to actual pain, we might need to revert to dumbbell presses and increase the weight. I feel the current regime of mobility and rotator cuff stability exercises should be enough to prepare him for the transition.
Another great thing about his training is that he has become a lot stronger and fitter (cardio-wise, mobility-wise, stability-wise). His strength levels are increasing, and if it goes well he'll definitely be deadlifting 60 kg's from the floor before the Pro's. He is an example of discipline and determination.
8) It's funny how you can be among the strongest men in your gym or campus even, yet you're really just a wimp compared to what competing people do with heavy ass weights. The human body is amazing, and it's physical potential is humbling. Like the brain, most people are just wasting it. My PR 130 kg deadlift is nothing compared to this. Anybody got tissue?
It was deloading week. I only worked up to 60% x 5 for the main lifts, cut reps to 60% for assistance exercises, and did conditioning work with barbell complexes on every training day instead of days 2 and 4. I also did some experimenting with technique, especially with the bench press. I find that a wider "powerlifting" grip is uncomfortable for me, especially with the associated pec stress. I guess I'm more comfortable benching narrow with a more shoulder dominant press, but may result in a less balanced look upper body wise: the lighter benchers have a more developed chest than me. But since my goal is stronger > better looks, why give an f?
Experimented with power cleans again
Up to 65 kg x 3
Failed 70 kg. I'm not going to clean with a hook grip again. Either full double overhand, or mixed when needed for deadlift-related stuff.
Benched up to 40 kg using paused reps
Front squatted up to 50 kg using paused reps
Shoulder pressed up to just 28 kgs.
Conditioning was with Alwyn Cosgrove's barbell complex. I used an empty barbell (20 kg). Abe used the "doomstick", aka Mr 0.01 kg broom-stick. Don't laugh, lest you want me to laugh at you puking trying these out.
Weight at end of the week - I'll test tomorrow morning. Nevertheless, I did touch 83 kg midday Wednesday, which is pretty low enough. Especially with the constant hypoglycemic attacks from a relative restriction during the week, it's a good enough reduction of weight.
Next month:
I'll try to push the reps during every week for 2 lifts, and switching it for the next week. Next week we'll aim for extra reps on bench and squat days. Hopefully I can get at least 10/11 reps with the bench press, my relatively weakest lift (with 64 kg on Monday).
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